A new cycle of the project “My tree”: Chestnut planting symbolically marked global campaign of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

A new cycle of the project “My tree”: Chestnut planting symbolically marked global campaign of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Today, Mayor Ivan Vuković, PhD, and his associates, together with representatives of "NGO Veritas", planted new chestnut trees in Studentska Street, which symbolically marked the global campaign of the month of the fight against breast cancer, but also the beginning of a new cycle of “My Tree” project.

“This year, the Capital joined the now global campaign to mark the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is October, and today we symbolically planted seven chestnut trees at the beginning of Studentska Street, together with our dear fellow citizens from "NGO Veritas", because chestnut flower is pink which marks this global movement”, Vuković said. He pointed out that the Capital in that way shows full support for their efforts in the fight against this vicious disease.

Statistics show that when it comes to the female population in Montenegro, over 25% of all cases of malignancy are related to breast cancer, which is a sufficient warning and call to action of the entire community.

"It is very important to act preventively, it is very important to be agile, to visit doctors and to do regular check-ups and self-examinations because statistics show that if this disease is detected in time, it is successfully treated in about 80%", Mayor Vuković pointed out. "The Capital is here to provide support to these brave ladies, but also to all who face similar problems, and such actions serve to raise awareness of the importance of prevention in order to save every life that we do not have to lose", Vuković concluded.

Oncology doctor Nada Cicmil Sarić emphasized that the World Health Organization dedicates as much as a whole month to the fight against breast cancer, unlike all other malignant diseases to which one day a year is dedicated. "Breast cancer is not just a problem of one woman, but of the whole family, the whole society, in every broadest sense of the word, and therefore it is extremely important that many previous experiences and activities have contributed to raising women's awareness, and that stigma and dogma which exists in this domain significantly reduces", Cicmil Sarić emphasized and added that breast cancer must not take any life, because it is included in only four, possibly five preventive small diseases, and that is an opportunity that no one should miss. She thanked the management of the Capital, which recognized the importance and showed sensitivity to this type of social problem, which is being worked on intensively, both with prevention and modern therapy, in which the establishment of a diagnostic center for breast cancer at the Clinical Center of Montenegro has a special contribution. "Also, this chestnut, which not only has a pink bloom, but a chestnut as a tree, is also a symbol of triumph and a very long life, up to 500 years, and the oldest in the world is estimated to be between two and five thousand years old. In this context, I would like us all to have this vision of today's events and that in this context all our further activities continue together and not just one month a year, but all 12 months because together we are always stronger.”

Psychologist Damira Murić pointed out that today's gathering is a kind of providing psycho-social support to the ladies from the "Veritas" organization. "As a psychologist and someone who deals with the mental health of people at the Institute of Oncology who go through the treatment process, during and after diagnosis, and through various workshops and approaches with patients, I hope to share my experience and knowledge, together with ladies from NGO Veritas manage to convey to people with cancer to go through all those difficult and stressful moments in the easiest way possible.”

"I'm sure you can feel somewhere what it really means and what people with cancer experience in those moments, so this symbolic day is raising awareness that all the ladies in this world, especially when we are talking about our country , Montenegro, that they finally start taking care of themselves", Murić emphasized, inviting all females to go for an examination at least once a year, to be important to themselves, to be selfishly healthy and to dedicate to themselves only.


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