Secretariat for Social Welfare
Ivan Terzić
Address: Ul. Vuka Karadžića br. 16
Telephone: +382 20/ 447-160, +382 20/ 447-161
The Secretariat for Social Welfare performs tasks relating to:
1) monitoring and enforcing laws and regulations adopted on the basis of laws in the area of: social and child protection, protection of persons with disabilities, protection of war veterans and civilian war invalids, exercising gender equality; minority rights; spatial planning and construction of structures in regard of providing alternative accommodation for owners of illegal facilities and other regulations related to exercising the administrative body’s functions; giving opinions on draft laws and proposals of laws and other regulations and planning documents in these areas;
2) preparation and enforcing regulations and acts of the Capital City in the areas the body is established for; preparing Acts on the Establishing of the public services it is supervising; giving opinions on initiatives to evaluate the constitutionality and legality of regulations falling within the body’s competence;
3) drafting and implementing the programme of work of the Secretariat and other programme and planning acts within the competence of the body (in the fields of social and child protection, gender equality, rights of the RE population, victims of violence, the LGBT community, etc.); conducting the local strategic plan; integrity plan, and other plans and programmes of the Capital City within the body’s competence; monitoring and conducting national planning acts within the body’s competence;
4) conducting administrative procedures in the areas the body is established for (exercising rights regarding forms of social and child protection, protection of persons with disabilities, protection of war veterans and civilian war invalids, providing alternative accommodation for owners of illegal facilities; free access to information within its scope, the issuing of working and volunteer cards, enrolment in educational qualification; other administrative procedures and activities in accordance with the law and decisions of the Capital City;
5) acting upon the initiatives of citizens within the scope of the body;
6) prevention and suppression of diseases of addiction; resolving the issue of refugees and internally displaced persons in cooperation with the competent state administration bodies, etc.;
7) keeping prescribed records in the areas the body is established for in accordance with the law and decisions of the Capital City;
8) participation in improving the conditions of primary health protection and proposing members of the administration bodies of health institutions in the Capital City;
9) administrative supervision and activities of exercising the rights of founders in public services in the fields within its competence (Public Institution for Accommodation, Rehabilitation and Resocialisation of Users of Psychoactive Substances, PI for Child Care “Children Association” Podgorica, PI Day Care Centre for Children and Adults with Disabilities and Developmental Difficulties and other public services from this area); deciding upon the legal remedies for the first-instance acts of the public services it supervises, and legal remedies of the users of services of general interest; giving opinions on the Statute, acts on internal organisation and systematisation, the programme of work and report on work in terms of its compliance with the special Guidelines of the Mayor, plans, programmes, price lists, and other materials of those services;
10) preparation of reports on operations, information, and other technical materials within the scope of the body for the Assembly, Mayor, state administration bodies, the media, etc.;
11) preparation of annual and other reports for the Chief Administrator on resolving the administrative tasks within its competence, realisation of the integrity plan, procedures of providing for the participation of citizens in performing public affairs, exercising the principle of transparency by publishing prescribed acts, cooperation with NGOs, and other reports;
12) preparation of information for the media within its scope and the scope of supervised public services and its submission to the Public Relations Office in order to be processed and published in the media, on the website and on social media;
13) keeping an inventory and record of immovable and movable property at the Capital City’s disposal, which the Service uses for exercising its functions (official buildings and offices, except for those used by multiple administration bodies, equipment, and means of transport, etc.), in accordance with the law which defines state property; submitting the records in electronic form to the local administration body responsible for property affairs with all the amendments that occurred during the year;
14) other tasks within its scope, in accordance with the law and other regulations.