Public Procurement Office
Aleksandar Pavlićević

Address: Njegoševa 20
Telephone: +382 20 482-084
Fax: +382 20 482-091
The Public Procurement Office performs affairs relating to:
1) monitoring and application of regulations in the field of public procurement and other public areas in connection with exercising the function of the Office; issuing an opinion on drafts and proposals of draft laws and planning legislation within the scope of work of the Office;
2) drafting and implementation of the Work Programme of the Office and other programme and plan legislations within the scope of work of the Office; implementation of the local strategic plan, the integrity plan, and other plans and programmes of the Capital City within the scope of the work of the Office; monitoring and implementation of planning legislation within the competence of the Office;
3) preparation of the Public Procurement Plan and other programme and planning legislation within the scope of work of the Office;
4) preparation of documentation, conducting procedures of public procurement in accordance with the law and subordinate legislation, and drafting legislation from this field;
5) publishing legislation on the portal of public procurements in accordance with the law;
6) cooperation with the authorised bodies and services for which procurement is carried out until the date of termination of procedures;
7) cooperation with state and local administration bodies in the field of the public procurement system;
8) monitoring the implementation of the Agreement on public procurement;
9) acting on the initiatives of citizens within the scope of work of the Office;
10) execution of administrative procedures for free access to information in accordance with the law; resolution regarding citizens’ initiatives within the scope of work of the Office;
11) keeping prescribed records in this field, as well as other records in accordance with the law and regulations of the Capital City;
12) preparation of reports on the work and other information and technical materials within the scope of the work of the Office for the Assembly, the Mayor, state administration bodies, the media, etc.;
13) preparation of annual and other reports for the Chief Administrator on resolving the administrative matters within its competence, implementation of integrity plans, procedures of providing for the participation of citizens in performing public affairs, exercising of the principle of transparency by publishing prescribed legislation, cooperation with NGOs, and other reports;
14) preparation of information for the media within the scope of work of the Office and its submission to the Public Relations Office in order to be processed and published in the media, on the website, and social media;
15) keeping an inventory and records of immovable property at the disposal of the Capital City and which are used by the Office for exercising its function (official buildings and business offices, except for those used by multiple administration bodies, equipment, transport vehicles, etc.), in accordance with the law which regulates state property; submitting of this record in electronic form to the local administration body responsible for property-related affairs with all the amendments made during the year;
16) other tasks within its scope of work, in accordance with the law and other regulations.