Protection and Rescue Service
Goran Janković

Address: Josipa Broza br. 2
Telephone: +382 20 658-151, +382 20 658-152
Fax: 020/658-153
The Protection and Rescue Service is a professional service organised in accordance with a special law which regulates the field of protection and rescue.
The Protection and Rescue of the Capital City performs the following affairs:
• providing assistance to jeopardised and harmed population
• firefighting and rescue in case of fire
• rescue from ruins, landslides, and avalanches
• rescue in case of floods and other natural disasters
• rescue in mountains and canyons
• rescue during traffic accidents
• rescue during crashes and accidents in civil aviation
The Protection and Rescue Service is managed by the Service Commander. The work of the Service is based on principles of command in accordance with the rules of Protection and Rescue.
Its work is organised on the basis of a team being ready for duty 24 hours a day for operative action. A dispatch centre which is predominantly in charge of receiving reports from the territory of the Capital City is present within the Service. The dispatch centre is also organised to be available 24 hours a day.
Apart from the ordinary work and tasks relating to protection and rescue, the Service performs preventive action and the education of other subjects with the aim of preventing the occurrence of other accidents and extraordinary situations.
Through the actions of the departments for preventive action, education is provided in public institutions, kindergartens, and elementary and high schools. Also, the Service cooperates with the non-governmental sector and other organisations with the purpose of preventing the occurrence of accidents. During the fire season, the Protection and Rescue Service introduces temporary outposts on the specific territory of the Capital City, in order to ensure the highest level of promptness and efficiency of action of the Service’s operative formation.
The Protection and Rescue Service has organised its work in accordance with European standards, for which it has an ISO-9001-2000 Certificate.
The Protection and Rescue Service’s members will professionally perform the work and tasks in the following period as well, with the aim of protecting human lives and material possessions.