Secretariat for spatial planning and sustainable development
Miljan Barović

Address: Ul. Vuka Karadžića br. 40
Telephone: 020/ 625-637, 020/ 625-647
Fax: 020/ 625-680
The Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development performs administrative tasks relating to:
1) monitoring and enforcing laws and regulations adopted on the basis of laws in the areas of spatial planning and constructing facilities, environmental protection, strategic evaluation of impact, estimate of impact on the environment, integrated prevention and control of environmental pollution, protection of the air, protection of nature, protection against ambient noise, energy efficiency, energy, protection of the population from contagious diseases, and other areas that impact the exercising of the authority’s powers; giving opinions on draft laws and proposals of laws, other regulations, and planned documents in this area.
2) preparation and enforcement of regulations of the Capital City in the areas for which the body is established (from local planning documentation to the adoption of the general regulation plan of Montenegro, activities of preparation for drafting urban projects, payment of construction land development fees, city rent, fees for connection to utilities for construction land paid by the owner of illegal structures, fees for connection to utilities until the adoption of the General Regulation Plan, annual space utilisation fees, fees for protection and environmental improvement, declaration of protected natural resources, establishing acoustic zones, etc.; statement regarding initiatives for assessing the constitutionality and legality of regulations of the Capital City within the scope of the administrative body;
3) drafting and implementation of the programme of the Secretariat, drafting and implementation of other strategic, programme and planning acts within the scope of the body (local sustainable development plan, local environmental plan, health and welfare strategy, adjustment to climate change strategy, biodiversity action plan, protection against noise action plan, programme for monitoring environmental segments, strategic noise map, local energy plan, programme and plan of energy efficiency improvement for the Capital City, etc.), implementation of the local strategy plan, integrity plan, and other plans and programmes of the Capital City within the competence of the administrative body, monitoring and enforcing national planning acts and international conventions within the competence of the body;
4) ensuring the quality of air in the capital city;
5) proposing the guidelines for the programme tasks and activities of preparation on drafting local planning documents;
6) conducting administrative proceedings for issuing construction licences for the construction or reconstruction of facilities for which it is accountable until the termination of initiated procedures and issuing permits for the use of those facilities; erection, construction, and removal of auxiliary facilities, access ramps, lifts, and similar structures for the access and movement of persons with reduced mobility and persons with disabilities until the adoption of the General Regulation Plan of Montenegro; issuing the urban conditions for the construction of temporary facilities; legalisation of illegal structures; defining obligations of payment and amount of fees for development of construction land, city rent for developed construction land, fees for provision of utilities on construction land paid by the owner of illegal structures and fees for development until the termination of initiated procedures in accordance with the law, annual fee for spatial use, fee for undeveloped construction land, fees for protection and environmental improvement and other fees within this area; transforming common and special parts of buildings into residential or commercial premises; strategic evaluation of the impact on the environment of plans and programmes of the Capital City; estimate of the impact on the environment of projects for which approval, authorisation, or a permit is issued by another body of the Capital City; issuing an integrated permit; free access to information and other procedures in accordance with the law and decisions of the Capital City;
7) systematisation and defining the list of illegal structures for which an application has not been submitted or which have not met legalisation requirements and its submission to the competent inspection body and local administration body competent for issuing a decision on alternative accommodation;
8) acting upon the initiatives of citizens within the scope of the body;
9) delegated activities of issuing zoning and technical specifications;
10) issuing requirements and measures for environmental protection;
11) keeping spatial documentation;
12) running an information system in the area the body was established for;
13) keeping records on illegal structures; establishing and keeping a cadastre of polluters, records on the consumption of energy and energy sources in facilities managed by the Capital City and other records within these areas;
14) inspection supervision, tasks of law enforcement of the founder in the public services “Komovi Regional Park” and the Agency for Construction and Development of Podgorica in performing tasks of preparation and connection of construction land to utilities; deciding upon the legal remedies of the users of services of general interest; providing opinions on the Statute, acts on internal organisation and systematisation; the programme of work and report on work in terms of its compliance with the special Guidelines of the Mayor, the spatial development programme of the Capital City, or plan of utility infrastructure provision following the adoption of the General Regulation Plan of Montenegro, and other materials of those services in the area it supervises;
15) participation in the identification and protection of the capital of the Capital City in the procedure of privatisation of public services which it supervises, that have been established by the Capital City;
16) preparation of the report on operations, information, and other technical materials within the scope of the administrative body for the Assembly, Mayor, state administration bodies, the media, etc.
17) preparation of annual and other reports for the Chief Administrator on resolving administrative tasks within its responsibility, implementation of the integrity plan, procedures on guaranteeing the participation of citizens in performing public affairs, the exercising of the principle of transparency by publishing prescribed acts, cooperation with NGOs, and other reports;
18) preparation of information for the media within its scope and the scope of public services which it supervises and its delivery to the Public Relations Office for the purpose of processing and publishing in the media, on the website and on social media;
19) keeping an inventory and record of immovable and movable property at the disposal of the Capital City and the property that the body uses for exercising its functions (official buildings and commercial premises apart from those used by multiple administration bodies, equipment, means of transport, etc.) in accordance with the law defining state property; delivering the record in electronic form to the local administration body responsible for property affairs with all the amendments arising during the year;
20) other affairs within the scope of its operation, in accordance with the law and other regulations.