International Cooperation Office
Ljiljana Šćepanović

Address: Njegoševa 13
Telephone: +382 20 665 025, +382 20 665 027, +382 20 665 066
The International Cooperation Office performs duties referring to:
• creating conditions for the implementation of the function of the mayor to represent the Capital City in relations with the cities of other countries, the diplomatic missions of foreign countries in Montenegro, Montenegro’s missions abroad, international organisations, and international institutions;
• promotion of strategic goals and development projects in all fields with the purpose of attracting direct foreign investment; cooperation with the bodies and services of local administration in the preparation and management of projects funded by international funds and other sources; preparing activities regarding the conclusion of international agreements and contracts;
• the establishment and improvement of regional and international cooperation with the purpose of internationalising the economy, culture, sport, the sustainable development of the Capital City, education, health, employment and youth mobility, employment of other categories of population, social care, scientific research work, etc.; preparation of legislation for the Mayor with the purpose of meeting the obligations defined by international conferences and by regional and other institutions;
• monitoring regulations which define international economic and other cooperation, private–public partnerships with international elements, business zones in the Capital City, and other regulations which improve the development of entrepreneurship;
• monitoring the adoption, ratification, and application of international conventions and other legislation referring to local self-government units and initiating the adoption of appropriate legislation within the competence of the Mayor or the Assembly with the purpose of its implementation;
• coordination and communication with foreign partners, immigrants, and their organisations;
• cooperation with the Manager in preparing and managing projects funded by international funds and other sources, and monitoring their implementation, the implementation of development projects of interest for the Capital City and the establishment of international economic and other types of cooperation, private–public partnerships with foreign parties, and taking measures with the purpose of enhancing the development of entrepreneurship;
• participation in the organisation and execution of official and other international visits to the Capital City, including visits by delegations and councillors of the Assembly of the Capital City; preparation for participation by the Capital City’s representatives in international summits, negotiations, meetings, etc.;
• implementation of administrative procedures for free access to information within its scope and other administrative procedures in accordance with the law; acting on citizens’ initiatives within the scope of the body;
• other activities within its scope of activity, in accordance with the law and other regulations.
The Capital City of Podgorica, as part of its international cooperation, conducts activities on developing bilateral relations with other cities, contacts with diplomatic and consular missions in Montenegro, the strengthening of regional cooperation and the improvement of economic exchanges and foreign investments, the exchange of knowledge and experience with the cities of EU member states, as well as partnerships in international and European projects.