Museums and galleries of Podgorica are renovating the exhibition space

Museums and galleries of Podgorica are renovating the exhibition space

In the building of the Public Institution Museums and Galleries of Podgorica, works are being carried out on the adaptation of a part of the interior, in order to modernize the space and adapt it to new contents. The interior design project includes several phases, and the first phase includes works in the entrance hall, which covers 170 square meters and is the starting point for museum visitors.

In the area of the entrance hall, plasterboard, painting and carpentry works, replacement of lighting, as well as other spatial interventions are performed. At the same time, works are being carried out to improve the exhibition infrastructure on the first floor of the Museum building, where plasterboard and painting works are being carried out, floors are being replaced and as well as lighting. In the next phase of the project, the entrance hall will be turned into a multi-purpose space with an info desk and a souvenir shop.

Along with the reconstruction of the Art Gallery and Kuslev's house, the works on the modernization of the interior of the city museum are part of a strategic program for creating exhibition conditions, in accordance with modern standards of museum and gallery activity.


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