The Capital is announcing a competition for support to Podgorica’s caterers today

The Capital is announcing a competition for support to Podgorica’s caterers today

Podgorica, the Capital, will announce a competition for support to Podgorica caterers today, after the mayor Ivan Vuković, PhD, held a meeting with representatives of caterers when he announced that the capital will provide them with support in the amount of EUR 80,000.

We would like to remind you that the Decision on Amendments to the Decision on the Budget of the Capital for 2020 plans non-refundable funds for these purposes, and funds in the maximum amount of up to 5%, i.e. 4,000.00, can be approved under this competition.

The caterer who receives funds under this competition, in addition to the legally prescribed obligations, must undertake not reducing the number of employees in his company during the current and next year.

In this way, the Capital provides support to employees in the hospitality sector, which is one of the most vulnerable due to the situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Capital is announcing a competition for support to Podgorica’s caterers today
The Capital is announcing a competition for support to Podgorica’s caterers today
The Capital is announcing a competition for support to Podgorica’s caterers today


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