Second competition for creative entrepreneurship announced: The Capital supports the most creative producers this year

Second competition for creative entrepreneurship announced: The Capital supports the most creative producers this year

Podgorica, the Capital, announced today the second competition for participation in the program of support for creative entrepreneurship, within which, in cooperation with partners Delta City and Strategist LLC, this year they will select 12 most creative producers.

Support for the winners of the competition includes funds from the budget of the Capital in the amount of EUR 2,000, a month free central stand in the shopping mall Delta City, where they will place and sell their products, as well as marketing strategy and additional promotion, provided by the company "Strategist”.

The deadline for applications runs from today, November 5, 2020 and lasts until November 27, 2020, and the winner will be announced in the week from December 7 to 11, 2020 (on the website of the Capital, Delta City and Strategist and via email to the winners, as well as on social networks). The project is being implemented in the period from January 15 to December 31, 2021.

We remind you that the Capital has allocated EUR 224,000 this year to encourage entrepreneurship, so in addition to this competition, EUR 40,000 were set aside to support women's entrepreneurship, EUR 50,000 for entrepreneurs in Stara Varoš, EUR 30,000 for loans for entrepreneurs, and EUR 80,000 for a competition for support to Podgorica caterers that was announced a few days ago.


Podgorica na dva točka

Podgorica on Two Wheels

Moje drvo

My Tree

Kesa je više previše


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