New jobs in agriculture through the cross-border cooperation project between Montenegro and Kosovo

New jobs in agriculture through the cross-border cooperation project between Montenegro and Kosovo

Manager of the Capital Marjan Junčaj, Secretary of the Secretariat for Entrepreneurship Kemal Grbović and Enis Ljuljanović, Assistant Secretary held a presentation of the project "Creating new jobs in agriculture", which the Capital is implementing within the cross-border cooperation program Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020. With this project, EUR 338,337.21 are planned for employment in agriculture, and young people and women in rural areas have an advantage.

On that occasion, Manager Junčaj emphasized the importance of the realization of the started projects during the coronavirus pandemic, emphasizing that in this particular case it is one of the most important projects in the field of international cooperation when it comes to agriculture.

Secretary Kemal Grbović reminded that the Capital and the Secretariat for Entrepreneurship pay full attention to encouraging the development of agriculture in Podgorica, primarily through favorable loans for farmers, dairy premiums and many other incentive measures of that kind.

Assistant Secretary for Entrepreneurship Enis Ljuljanović announced that this project is planned to be realized in the next 18 months, and its total value is EUR 338,337.21. The project partners are the Capital, Podgorica - Secretariat for Entrepreneurship as the lead applicant and the Initiative for Agricultural Development of Kosovo (IADK), and the project aims to encourage the unemployed to start farming, while focusing on olive growing, dairy, medicinal and aromatic herbs.

The project plans to develop the capacity of the unemployed to engage in agriculture, through theoretical and practical training in one of these components of the project and by providing machines and tools for practical training of users that will be provided for use over a period of two years. Also, the goal is to ensure the sustainability of employment and connect producers with business representatives in Montenegro and Kosovo. The results that the project will achieve are 60 beneficiaries trained for agricultural production in one of the three branches (olive growing, dairy, medicinal and aromatic plants) and 30 beneficiaries who will realize the possibility of employment with acquired knowledge.

At the end of the project, the organization of the Regional Fair in Podgorica is planned, and a study visit to Kosovo will be organized for the users who successfully complete the training.



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