New school in Tološi a gift from the Ubović family and Bemax company to Podgorica

New school in Tološi a gift from the Ubović family and Bemax company to Podgorica

The contract on the donation of the construction of a primary school in Tološi, which will be donated to Pogorica and to the education system by the Bemax company and the Ubović family, was signed today by the Minister of Education Damir Šehović, PhD, and the founder and president of the Board of Directors of Bemax Veselin Kovačević and the signing was also attended by the Mayor of Podgorica, Ivan Vuković, PhD, and a representative of the Ubović family, Andrea Ubović.

The Mayor of Podgorica, Ivan Vuković, PhD, pointed out that he does not remember a similar example, not only in Montenegro but also in the wider area, of such a valuable donation and example of social responsibility.

"I think this is perhaps the most beautiful day in the mandate of this city administration, so I am extremely grateful, first of all to the Ubović family who contacted with the city administration a few months ago and expressed a desire to donate funds for the construction of a new school building in a memory of the recently deceased, respected professor - Novka Ubović", Mayor Vuković pointed out, adding that the Capital's suggestion was for the money to be allocated for the construction of a new school in Tološi, bearing in mind that there has been a need for it for a long period of time.

The Mayor especially thanked the Ubović family for the valuable donation, the Bemax company, which accepted the obligation to realize this important investment, as well as Minister Šehović and friends in the Government of Montenegro who reacted promptly and made the realization of this project certain.

"There are almost no words that can describe the feeling of happiness because over 1000 children from Tološi and surrounding settlements will get the opportunity to attend primary school in their place of residence and I sincerely hope that by the end of this administration's mandate we may have the opportunity to hand over a new school building for use", the mayor of Podgorica pointed out.

What makes us especially happy are the reactions of people to the news that this donation is being prepared, reactions to what is their memory of the respected Novka Ubović, and that is why we were not surprised that a proposal from the staff of the elementary school "Savo Pejanović" arrived for the awarding of the highest city recognition - the award "December 19"- posthumously, I, as the mayor and the city administration, will strongly support this proposal", Vuković concluded.

Minister of Education Damir Šehović emphasized that thanks to the donation of the Bemax company and the Ubović family, which is realized in memory of Novka Ubović, one of the most prominent educators and winner of the most important state awards in the field of education, the Primary School in Tološi will not be only the largest primary school, but also one of the most beautiful. "We could not say precisisely what the value of the donation will be, but we can already say that it will not be below 7 million euros. "Building a temple of knowledge in which generations of students will mature and pave the way for further education and creation for themselves and all of us, strengthen the capacities of our society and create new values is a gesture that generations of Podgorica will remember," Šehović said.

Šehović also referred to the school capacities in the Capital, reminding that in the previous four years a high school was built in Golubovci, two kindergartens in Podgorica and one in Tuzi, a kindergarten is currently being built in Block VI, and in the following years, through already agreed arrangements four more kindergartens will be built in Podgorica, a new Gymnasium and three new primary schools in:  Zabjelo, in City kvart and in the settlement of Karabuško polje.

Veselin Kovačević said that the donation was encouraged in memory of Novka Ubović, a mathematics teacher: "Giving, they say, is always an expression of love. We continued only what the teacher Novka Ubović did throughout the whole of her working life, who gave this city many generations of students from the elementary school "Savo Pejanović". Because of what she gave the most, which is herself, she received the greatest Montenegrin awards in education, the award "Oktoih", "Iskra", a plaque of the movement "Science for Youth" along with many other awards and recognitions. However, her greatest reward is her students who have become good people. He said that, if in the future there is a need to expand the capacity of the first phase of primary school, the second phase will be done, which would expand the school.

"This initiative has a special significance for us, the Ubović family, because Novka Ubović is remembered as a professor who educated and brought up students. The new school will be a permanent reminder of its selfless contribution to educational work and our society", Andrea Ubović pointed out.

The school will be built according to the already selected conceptual design on a total area of 8,684 m2 and a capacity will be for about 1,200 children. In the first phase, a school building with an area of over 5,000 square meters and a physical education hall with an area of about 1,500 square meters will be built. It is planned that the school building will have 15 homerooms for younger students, five subject and five specialized classrooms and an IT classroom. The school gym hall is intended for handball, basketball and volleyball matches. The capacity of the hall stands is 455 seats, of which 207 are fixed seats and 248 seats are within the telescopic stands.


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