Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica

Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica

Today, the Mayor of Podgorica, Ivan Vuković, PhD, signed contracts with the winners of the support for women's entrepreneurship in Podgorica. This is a project that the Capital is implementing for the third time through a public competition and an invitation to all women to develop their business ideas.

The Mayor expressed satisfaction with the signing of the contract on financial support for the implementation of ten new projects within the program of support for women's entrepreneurship at the level of the Capital.

"This year, we have allocated EUR 40,000 for these purposes, and I use the opportunity to announce the same amount of aid for these purposes in the next year," Vuković pointed out adding that he considers support for women's entrepreneurship to be an extremely important project, not only because any kind of assistance in times of coronavirus and financial crisis that accompanies the global pandemic is welcome, but also a way for existing businesses to sustain, possibly expand, and create new jobs.

"In this way, we point out the overall social importance of women in Montenegro, as well as the stronger need to affirm their social position and their economic empowerment, because we are absolutely sure that this is the best investment in the future of Montenegro, that is, that women are the guarantor of a brighter future for our country ", the mayor pointed out.

In the end, he expressed satisfaction that as the mayor, with his associates, he has the opportunity to help realize that goal and that the City Administration will remain available in the next period behind this and other types of help because it recognizes wider social significance.

Bojana Otašević, owner of Mile Baci, a company that produces Montenegrin ice cream, and soon the production of chocolate and chocolate pralines, expressed her gratitude to the Capital for this opportunity and support, not only to women, but to all entrepreneurs in general, especially this year of the corona virus pandemic, which is of a great importance. "Apart from the financial support that will surely help the improvement of our businesses in one part, I am also grateful for the intangible support that the Capital is ready to provide in order to promote the national product and strengthen awareness among the local population when it comes to trade", Otašević pointed out. She emphasized that during 18 years of her life in Italy, she had the opportunity to learn how to properly value the national product, adding that the production of ice cream and chocolate, which her company deals with, will make a contribution to the development of gastro tourism which has become a global trend nowadays.

These are the winners of the 3rd Capital City Competition for Women's Entrepreneurship:

Klikovac Ana - Business plan: Agrotourism on the farm Livadica

Mille Baci - Business plan: Production of chocolate and chocolate pralines

Radonjić Tamara - Business plan: РЕVOLУШН project

DigitalBee Ltd. - Business plan: Flourish

Atelje Đurđić - Business plan: Design and production of clothing

Maksimovski & co Ltd. - Business plan: Development of online sales and expansion of the offer on men's collection

Fiha Ltd. - Business plan: (digitization of the physical object of the Hedera flower shop)

Jovetić Nikolina - Business plan: Your Montenegro - your destination partner

Happy paws-grooming - Business plan: Happy bed

Global Market Ltd. - Business plan: Improving the tourist offer of the Capital through the valorization of the rural household in the village of Gornji crnci - Piperi

Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica
Vuković: The Capital continues with its full support for development of women entrepreneurship in Podgorica


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