Central Public Hearing: Projects worth EUR 37 million approximately are planned for the Spatial Planning Program in 2021

Central Public Hearing: Projects worth EUR 37 million approximately are planned for the Spatial Planning Program in 2021

The Central Public Hearing on the occasion of the Capital City Spatial Planning Program was held today in the building of the Capital City Assembly. The Secretary of the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Miljan Barović, singled out the most important items envisaged by the program, as well as the sources of their financing, and pointed out that the Draft Spatial Planning Program will be on public discussion until December 15, 2020. Barović announced that the Program was made in accordance with the Draft decision on the budget of the Capital for 2021 and the data submitted by the city companies and the Property Directorate. The total amount of planned funds is EUR 36,977,407.

Most of the funds in the budget of the Capital are planned to come from the fee for communal equipment which is EUR 12.5 million, other budget funds are EUR 4.7 million, own funds of the companies are EUR 660,000, public-private partnership EUR 1.9 million, and credit funds in amount of EUR 7.8 million. A significant item of total funds are donations under the agreement on the transfer of credit and grant funds – EUR 9.27 million, which is almost a quarter of total funds. The funds were allocated for resolving property relations, where EUR three million were allocated, the same as for arranging and equipping locations, while EUR 10.8 million were allocated for the construction and reconstruction of roads and bridges, of which 6.2 million euro from the Capital's budget.

 Almost EUR 30 million is planned for resolving property relations in the coming period, for which the manner and form of compensation will be determined after the initiation of the expropriation procedure. About EUR  7.2 million have been set aside for the continuation of the Jugozapadna obilaznica road. For the first phase of reconstruction, almost EUR one million is planned for Ksenije Cicvarić Street in Zabjelo, Ive Vizina Street, reconstruction of Vaka Đurovića Street in the city center is planned as well, and almost two million euro will be allocated for roads in the area of DUP "Pobrežje A, B i C".

Over one million euro is planned for Vilija Branta Boulevard, for the construction of roads under the auspices of the DUP Univerzitetski centar EUR 1.35 million, and EUR 1.3 million for expropriation due to the construction of a park in Zabjelo. The construction of the first phase of the new cemetery is also planned, for which about half a million euro will be set aside.

EUR 35.9 million is planned for resolving property-legal relations.

"Given that payment on the basis of expropriation is made in installments and that the process of making a decision on expropriation and concluding an agreement requires some time, it is expected that in 2021 the actual costs of expropriation will be up to the amount of budgeted funds, while a significant part of the expropriation obligations should be resolved by giving in exchange for other real estate. Unrealized funds from the above items can be used for expropriations for which there is a justified need during the year ", it is stated in the Spatial Planning Program.

Funds of EUR 22.9 million are planned for the construction and reconstruction of roads, bridges and garages. Worth of ongoing works and contracted works is EUR 6.6 million. Of that amount, the most funds were allocated for the project of Jugozapadna obilaznica, 1.6 million for sections I and III, and three million for the second section, i.e. the bridge over the river of Morača. EUR 370,000 was set aside for the reconstruction of Bokeška Street, and EUR 305,000 for the construction of the street next to the Small Sports Stadium.

The planned works in 2021 are EUR 16.2 million, and about EUR 1 million are intended for the first phase of the reconstruction of Vojislavljevića Street. EUR 1.5 million is envisioned for the rehabilitation of the overpass and the road to Podgorica Airport, about EUR 700,000 for sidewalks and a bicycle path on the boulevard towards Tuzi, and EUR 800,000 for the reconstruction of the intersection of II Crnogorski bataljona, Vaka Đurovića and Gavra Vukovića streets as for the extension of II Crnogorskiog bataljona Street M.M. For the most part, about EUR 12.5 million, the funds have been allocated for the Wastewater Collection and Treatment Plant in Podgorica, Phase I. EUR 1.75 million was allocated to the city company Zelenilo (Greenery), EUR 600,000 to the construction and reconstruction of a public lighting, EUR 2.68 million to the landfill, of which EUR 750,000 from the budget, and EUR 1.34 million to the cemetery, i.e. EUR 680,000 from the budget.




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