On the occasion of celebrating the day of the Liberation of Podgorica, valuable donations were delivered to a retirement home in Bijelo Polje and Risan and to home for children without parental care "Mladost" in Bijela

On the occasion of celebrating the day of the Liberation of Podgorica, valuable donations were delivered to a retirement home in Bijelo Polje and Risan and to home for children without parental care "Mladost" in Bijela

The administration of the Capital, due to the current epidemiological situation, has decided to redirect part of the funds that were allocated this year for the celebration of the Liberation Day of Podgorica and the New Year's holidays to humanitarian purposes.

On that occasion, Mayor Ivan Vuković, PhD, and his associates visited a retirement home Grabovac in Risan and the home for children without parental care "Mladost" in Bijela, while Deputy Mayor Časlav Vešović handed over a donation to a retirement home in Bijelo Polje. Given the epidemiological situation, the representatives of the Capital, unfortunately, could not directly deliver gifts to the users of these social institutions.

"The administration of the Capital has decided to allocate a part of the funds that would normally be used to organize the celebration of New Year's holidays this year to support institutions of this type, so we bought a number of gifts intended for users of this home and thus, hopefully, make these days and the upcoming holidays more beautiful. I take this opportunity to thank the director, doctors, people from the management of this institution to whom we owe a lot, bearing in mind what Montenegro has gone through 7-8 months back, because they were on the front line of defense against coronavirus and thanks to dedication and round-the-clock work and commitment managed to save the users of the services of this home and similar institutions in Montenegro ", Vuković emphasized.

The director of the retirement home Grabovac in Risan, Srđan Dragomanović, thanked the mayor for the valuable donation and congratulated the citizens of Podgorica on the Liberation Day.

"In the time of the plague in 2020, when a little attention is enough, providing a gift to each user is more than a little attention", Dragomanović said, emphasizing that such and similar visits are welcome, and that they are honored that this visit opened space for further cooperation through the geronto program, through the education of future geronto housewives and through the functioning of the Day Care Center for the Elderly, which has existed in Podgorica for several years. In the end, with another expression of gratitude to the mayor and his team for the valuable donation, we hope that this bright example will be followed by other municipalities, Dragomanović concluded.

Deputy Mayor of Podgorica Časlav Vešović pointed out that due to well-known circumstances caused by the coronavirus epidemic, the capital is not able to traditionally mark the Liberation Day of Podgorica, which is one of the most important dates in the history of Podgorica and Montenegro as a whole.

Vešović emphasized that now, more than ever, we need to strengthen and affirm the freedom spirit of our ancestors and their anti-fascist ideas on which modern Montenegrin society is based, through respect for diversity as our greatest value and equality of all citizens.

"As we do not have the opportunity to mark December 19 in the traditional way, we have made the decision to redirect the funds we planned to spend for that purpose through donations to three social institutions. One of them is certainly the Home for the Elderly in Bijelo Polje, whose activity is of special importance and interest for our society as a whole and for the north of Montenegro ", Vešović pointed out and added that Podgorica and the central region will soon get a similar institution thanks to valuable investment that the Capital is realizing in cooperation with the Public Works Administration, and that during the next year, opportunities will be created for the first users to enter that institution.

The director of the Home for the Elderly in Bijelo Polje, Dejan Pavićević, expressed his gratitude to the deputy mayor for the taken time and donation.

"We have been in quarantine for eight months now and there is no possibility of a personal delivering of gifts. I welcome the move of the Capital to direct the funds that were intended for the New Year's Eve to the institutions of social protection and buy gifts for their users", Pavićević pointed out.

During the visit to the Children's Home "Mladost", Deputy Mayor Slađana Vujačić expressed satisfaction that on the eve of the New Year's holidays, the Capital is giving away packages for the users of this institution. "What makes us especially satisfied is the way the institution itself functions and how they take care of the children who are here, because children are our future. People who work here, especially in these epidemiological circumstances, are building the future of our country and significantly influencing what our society will look like, so we really have a reason to leave here today with good impressions", Vujačić concluded, congratulating the upcoming holidays.

The head of the Service for the educational needs of the protégés of the Children's Home "Mladost", Drago Samardžić, reminded that December is the month of giving and the month of socializing. “Children are used to the most beautiful gift being the time itself that is set aside for them. The epidemiological situation has currently prevented people of good will from associating with our protégés, but that has not stopped our guests today from coming and getting information and seeing how children live, how they spend their time during the coronavirus pandemic, to leave them appropriate gifts under their New Year Christmas trees. Also, we taught our children that they are not always the ones who receive a gift, but also give gifts, so our older wards made a picture that we handed over to the mayor as a sign of gratitude", Samardžić said, congratulating the holiday of the capital city Podgorica.



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