Works on the project of wastewater collection and treatment paused due to precipitation, construction sites are provided, streets passable

Works on the project of wastewater collection and treatment paused due to precipitation, construction sites are provided, streets passable

The realization of the project of wastewater collection and treatment took place during 2020, mainly in accordance with the planned dynamics. During the previous 12 months, works began on three of the four components - the primary pipeline (collector), the pedestrian pipeline bridge on Morača and the secondary sewerage system. The further course of activities in the field is affected by weather conditions or precipitation, but all streets and construction sites where works are active will be passable and safe for locals.

Works on the construction of the primary pipeline, i.e. collector, as one of the four components are currently being realized in the part of Dahna/Dajbabe. So far, 3.8 km of pipelines have been laid from Ulicа 8. marta to the Southwest Bypass. It remains to lay another 950 m of water supply and 250 m of secondary sewerage on this stretch. 2.1 km have been asphalted, out of a total of 5.5 km of the pipeline route that will connect the new plant with the existing one. It is the first (bearing) layer of asphalt. When all the work is finished, the final layer will be installed. In the area of the Dahna/Dajbabe construction site, asphalt works are currently being completed. During the holidays, this construction site will be preserved (until January 11), i.e. all the trenches will be buried, so that the road will be passable.

When it comes to the pedestrian pipeline bridge on Morača for the transfer of the hydraulic installation from the right to the left bank of the river, steel works have been completed for three segments of the structure that the bridge will have and also, the assembly of the structure, sheets and construction of the composite bridge slab installation of hydraulic and electrical installations on the bridge. The upcoming phase (sandblasting and painting of the third segment of the steel structure) cannot be realized at the moment due to precipitation, so this construction site has been preserved (until January 11), and the access to the bridge by Hemomont is fenced and safe.

Weather conditions will also slow down the works on the secondary sewerage system. In the southern area (LOT 1), Braće Ribar Street will be asphalted after the holidays, because the precipitation did not allow preparation for the continuation of works. The laying of the primary pipeline and the construction of key connections has been completed in that street so far. The upper slabs on the manholes were also placed. The street will be prepared so that it can be used during the holidays. The street at Vrela Ribnička will also be fenced and properly marked. The works on this segment are being performed by the company Tehnoput-MNE, which is now a full-fledged contractor, after the termination of the contract with the company "Toškovići".  The secondary network for the northern area (LOT 2) will not be asphalted until the end of the year in Murtovina. On the parts of the construction site where the sewage pipes pass, the lines will be buried, and the routes will be leveled so that the streets can be used freely during the holidays.

The teams in charge of performing works on all components will be ready during the holidays in case of emergency interventions.

All information about the project, phases, active works, as well as contact information for citizens' inquiries can be found on the official website


Works on the project of wastewater collection and treatment paused due to precipitation, construction sites are provided, streets passable
Works on the project of wastewater collection and treatment paused due to precipitation, construction sites are provided, streets passable
Works on the project of wastewater collection and treatment paused due to precipitation, construction sites are provided, streets passable
Works on the project of wastewater collection and treatment paused due to precipitation, construction sites are provided, streets passable


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