Free computer use for students of schools of Podgorica

Free computer use for students of schools of Podgorica

The Competence Center, i.e. Birziminium Hub, will be temporarily made available to primary and secondary school students from the territory of Podgorica. Having in mind the current epidemiological situation, and the fact that due to the reduction of epidemiological risk, schools have transferred a significant part of teaching to the online platform, and not all parents are able to provide equal conditions for children, we decided to, from Monday, January 18, this space which is located in the very center of the city (Vučedolska Street), is made available to students in Podgorica, with the obligation to respect all prescribed epidemiological measures.

In order for their children to use one of the 20 available computers connected to the Internet, it is necessary for parents/custodians to contact the Capital at 020 / 665-083 phone number or by e-mail at The request must state the name and surname of the child, one parent/custodian, the school he/she attends and the date in which the student would use the computer (available on weekdays from 08 a.m. to 4 p.m.).

As a reminder, Birziminium Hub was launched by the Capital and the Union of Employers in 2019 with the aim of acquiring competencies and supporting entrepreneurship. All trainings that are normally realized in these premises will be organized after the dates provided for students.

Free computer use for students of schools of Podgorica
Free computer use for students of schools of Podgorica


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