Workshop on sensitization and breaking down stereotypes on RE population was held within the REopen Doors program

Workshop on sensitization and breaking down stereotypes on RE population was held within the REopen Doors program

A workshop for local government officials was held today in the premises of the Assembly of the Capital City of Podgorica, with the aim of improving communication skills in working with vulnerable groups and dealing with prejudices about the Roma and Egyptian population.

The workshop was organized within the REopen Doors project, which has been implemented in partnership by the Capital City and the Montenesoft Educational Center since the beginning of 2020, which is financed from the IPA II grant of the Multiannual Program for Employment, Education and Social Policy 2015-2017. The total value of the project is around EUR 100,000, of which 90% is covered by an EU grant.

The workshop, which was attended by fifteen city officials, was led by Natalija Đaletić from the Montenesoft Educational Center, who emphasized that the Capital has made great progress in the field of inclusion of the RE population emphasizing that this project can become a good model for future practice. In front of the Capital, project manager Teodora Kusovac gave an introductory speech and introduced the audience to the details of the entire project.

As part of the REopen Doors project, thirty young members of the Roma and Egyptian population from the territory of the Capital underwent training designed to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to better position themselves in the labor market. During the eight months, the participants acquired communication skills, improved their knowledge of Montenegrin and English, mastered the language of administration, the most important IT tools, worked with a psychologist and sociologist, and acquired intercultural communication skills.

In the second phase of the project, the best ten participants were invited to a four-month internship in the organizational units of the Capital.

The Roma Association of Montenegro also provides active support to the preparation and implementation of the REopen Doors project.

Workshop on sensitization and breaking down stereotypes on RE population was held within the REopen Doors program
Workshop on sensitization and breaking down stereotypes on RE population was held within the REopen Doors program
Workshop on sensitization and breaking down stereotypes on RE population was held within the REopen Doors program
Workshop on sensitization and breaking down stereotypes on RE population was held within the REopen Doors program
Workshop on sensitization and breaking down stereotypes on RE population was held within the REopen Doors program


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