Vuković and Nuhodžić open operational center for video surveillance: 270 cameras will cover the territory of Podgorica

Vuković and Nuhodžić  open operational center for video surveillance: 270 cameras will cover  the  territory of Podgorica

The Mayor of Podgorica, Ivan Vuković, PhD, and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mevludin Nuhodzić, opened the Operational Center for video surveillance today. The Capital will be covered with 270 cameras at 35 locations.

Mayor Vuković pointed out that one of the priorities of the city administration is to turn Podgorica into a smart city, i.e. to create preconditions that the future development of our city is based on the use of modern and smart technologies.

"This project is a step of seven miles for our city and thanks to the video surveillance system we will have a much better situation in Podgorica, both in terms of maintaining public order and peace, traffic conditions, and in terms of general security in the Capital. The project is worth, only in the first phase, five million euros, and we will have over 270 cameras at 35 locations in Podgorica, and that will enable our colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, i.e. the Police Administration to achieve full control within the law", Vuković emphasized. The contribution of the Capital for now is reflected in the provision of the necessary infrastructure for the installation of the mentioned equipment in the value of  270,000.

"At the same time, we realized a pilot project on the trail of this story, and it includes the installation of a video surveillance system in a dozen parks in the Capital. As we have unfortunately witnessed various deviant social phenomena in the previous period, we can already state now, even though the system has been in operation for only a month, all of that it is much less. I have no dilemma that with this system that we are putting into operation today, we in Podgorica will have a much better situation in the coming years. I congratulate my colleagues from the Ministry of the Interior, colleagues from the Police Administration, with the message that we will be a reliable partner in the city administration, as we have done so far," Vuković concluded.

Interior Minister Mevludin Nuhodzić pointed out that this project is important for the suppression of crime, as well as for greater traffic safety.

"Our goal is to have less crime on the streets, better protection of children from narcotics and street drug sales, better results of the Police in preventing and detecting crimes and misdemeanors, greater traffic safety, better preventive work, and all this means greater safety for all. of our citizens '', the Minister of the Interior Mevludin Nuhodžić said during the commissioning of the Command and Control Center, from which the police, over 270 cameras with the latest technology, will monitor the situation at a total of 35 locations in Podgorica, for which prior consent was obtained Personal data protection agencies.

The Government of Montenegro and the Ministry of Interior have allocated multimillion funds for the introduction of video surveillance in several cities. The first phase includes locations in Podgorica, Bar and Budva, while from next year, video surveillance will also cover the municipalities of Nikšić, Herceg Novi and Kotor.

"Video surveillance is in accordance with the highest European standards, with full respect for the rules of processing and protection of personal data. So, there is no fear of endangering the privacy of citizens", Nuhodzić said.

Minister Nuhodžić announced that the introduction of cameras, i.e. devices for recording the actions of police officers, is also planned in the coming period.

"In accordance with the best comparative experiences and new legal solutions, we will try to provide budget funds for all police officers who are in direct contact with citizens to be equipped with these devices on uniforms, in order to protect integrity, but also to prevent possible abuse of power", said the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mevludin Nuhodzić.


Vuković and Nuhodžić  open operational center for video surveillance: 270 cameras will cover  the  territory of Podgorica
Vuković and Nuhodžić  open operational center for video surveillance: 270 cameras will cover  the  territory of Podgorica
Vuković and Nuhodžić  open operational center for video surveillance: 270 cameras will cover  the  territory of Podgorica
Vuković and Nuhodžić  open operational center for video surveillance: 270 cameras will cover  the  territory of Podgorica
Vuković and Nuhodžić  open operational center for video surveillance: 270 cameras will cover  the  territory of Podgorica


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