A basketball course behind the Simpo building reconstructed, soon a new children's playground in this neighborhood

A basketball course behind the Simpo building reconstructed, soon a new children's playground in this neighborhood

The Mayor of Podgorica, Ivan Vuković, PhD, with his associates, visited today the reconstructed training ground behind the Simpo building in Moskovska Street. On that occasion, he pointed out that it is a training ground that is remembered by many generations and that represents a kind of symbol of this part of the city.

"We in the city administration had a great obligation to arrange this space, having in mind that it was not in the condition it should be for a long time. Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Sports, we managed to carry out a thorough reconstruction of this polygon in a relatively short time, and today we can say that we have one of the most modern basketball courts on the territory of the Capital," said the Mayor.

The total investment exceeded  40,000, and in addition to the Ministry of Sports, the mayor also thanked his colleagues from Roads, Communal services and the Housing Agency.

The mayor spoke about the importance of this neighborhood for Podgorica and announced that a children's playground will soon be built in the immediate vicinity of the training ground.

"In the next 15 days, we will get a modern children's playground on the plateau next to this polygon. Our colleagues from the company Zelenilo are working hard on that, and the investment is worth over  65,000, so this neighborhood will look completely different," Vuković pointed out.

The Mayor reminded that the Capital, respecting the glorious tradition of Podgorica, when it comes to sports in the previous period, with the support of KSCG, FSCG and predominantly the Ministry of Sports and Youth, renewed the entire range of polygons in different parts of Podgorica. He announced the imminent opening of the polygon behind the building in which the Alpe bar is located.

"Not far from here, another important place when it comes to the history of sports in Podgorica, and by mid-September the polygon in Meše Selimovića Street will get a tartan base, and a few days ago a completely new polygon was opened on Pričelje. Only these four investments made by the Ministry of Sports and the Capital exceed € 200,000", Vuković emphasized and added that they will continue in that spirit and that the city administration will be a dedicated and reliable partner to all people who love Podgorica.

The Mayor expressed special gratitude to Jovan Kavarić, the former mayor of Podgorica and a man the capital is proud of, as well as to sports journalist Đorđe Kustudić.

"I want to thank Jovan Kavarić, who is our neighbor and friend, someone who has been with us since the first day of work of this city administration and who helped me and all of us a lot with his advices. I take this opportunity to thank Djordji Kustudic, our respected sports journalist, who generated positive energy in this neighborhood and helped us get this beautiful facility," Vukovic concluded.

Jovan Kavarić, PhD, former mayor of Podgorica and a resident of this part of the city, expressed satisfaction that the cult polygon behind the SIMPO building in Moskovka Street has been reconstructed. "This is an exceptional thing for all citizens of this part of the city, and I invite not only children, youth, but also older people to spend as much time as possible in this place and in that way recreate and practice healthy lifestyles," Kavarić pointed out.

He thanked the Capital, and especially Mayor Vukovic, who put the renovation and construction of parks, playgrounds, sports grounds and green areas in all parts of the city in the foreground.

Đorđije Kustudić, in front of the residents of that neighborhood, expressed his satisfaction with the reconstruction of the sports polygon and said that he was especially happy that the area was filled with youth these days.

"This is a wonderful day for all the residents of this neighborhood. There used to be a tennis court here, where some of our neighbors, like Durutović, used to compete with Bruno Orešar a long time ago. Then we had a period of stagnation and neglect of this large area, which was intended for both adult recreation and facilities for children. Finally, with a good initiative of the tenants and the Capital, we get a representative facility that will be for the benefit of all residents of this neighborhood. For several days now, this playground has been full of youth and it is our common victory. We hope that we will continue with the development of these areas and that we will have more quality initiatives ", Đorđije Kustudić concluded.


A basketball course behind the Simpo building reconstructed, soon a new children's playground in this neighborhood


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