The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students

The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students

The mayor of Podgorica, Ivan Vuković, PhD, and the director of the Public Institution School for Secondary and Higher Vocational Education Sergije Stanic, Darko Vukcevic, signed an agreement today on preparing meals for people in social need, for which the Capital Podgorica will allocate  450,000.

Mayor Vuković expressed satisfaction with the contract signed today with the Secondary Vocational School of Sergije Stanić and pointed out that the Capital is recognized as a local government that continuously successfully takes care of the most endangered categories of the population.

"We are witnesses that in Podgorica, despite the general progress that Montenegro and its capital have experienced in the last fifteen years, there is a large number of people whose material status is unsatisfactory. In that sense, we are behaving very responsibly and over the years we have been creating various programs and support mechanisms for our fellow citizens", Vuković emphasized.

The mayor reminded that one of the most important programs of that kind is certainly related to the work of the National Kitchen, which prepares up to 600 meals every day.

"It seems to me that its already important functioning has become even more important in the past few months when Podgorica and Montenegro, but also the rest of the world faced a coronavirus pandemic and we used that capacity to meet the needs of all those who were in a need for help in those hard times. Based on this agreement that we signed today with our friends from SSE Sergije Stanić, we will improve the work of the National Kitchen and use what are the enviable potentials of this educational institution both when it comes to teaching staff and when it comes to students and using what is the legal framework provided by the new Law on Public Procurement, i.e. using the possibilities of direct public procurement in those situations when there is a general interest in it", Vuković emphasized.

"In the coming period, we will cooperate with this school and use their capacities, students will prepare meals that will reach the end users, if there is a need in even greater numbers, and in this way we combine beautiful and useful and affirm something that is a bright tradition of this educational institution that has existed in Podgorica for a long time and that the Capital is proud of ", concluded Vuković.

Director of SSE Sergije Stanić Darko Vukcevic expressed satisfaction with today's signing of the contract and thanked the Capital and mayor Vuković for the trust shown when it comes to this project, adding that it is of a great importance not only for the Capital, but also the school at which head he is.

"This is the beginning of a successful cooperation between the Capital and SSE  Sergije Stanić, all with the aim of a better education of our students, so that after finishing their schooling they would be as competitive as possible on the labor market", Vukčević pointed out, emphasizing that in this way students are developing awareness of social services and assistance to socially disadvantaged citizens.

"Successful work of the school is not imaginable without good cooperation with the local community, and by implementing modularized educational programs, dual education and providing scholarships for deficient occupations, we achieve more intensive inclusion of the Capital in the education system", said director Vukčević, adding that SSS "Sergije Stanić" has all the safety and sanitary conditions that are very important for this project to be realized to the highest standards.


The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students
The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students
The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students
The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students
The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students
The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students
The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students
The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students
The Capital allocates € 450,000 for meals for persons in a state of social need to be prepared by SSE SERGIJE STANIĆ students


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