Works on the construction of a children's playground in Danilovgrad have started; Gift of the Capital to the children of the municipality of Danilovgrad

Works on the construction of a children's playground in Danilovgrad have started; Gift of the  Capital to the  children of the  municipality of Danilovgrad

The teams of Zelenilo have started the works on the new children's playground in Danilovgrad and the funds have been provided from the Budget of the Capital.

We remind you that the Capital recently reconstructed the sports field in the yard of the high school in Cetinje, and will continue with this practice in the future.

Following the example of children's playgrounds that ambiently complete the look of Podgorica and already represent favorite places for play and socializing of our youngest fellow citizens, we decided to give the kids of the Municipality of Danilovgrad a modern children's playground. The children's playground in the settlement of Pažići will cover an area of 450 square meters. The playground will be arranged in the shape of a honeycomb, and in addition to the devices for the youngest to play on a safe tartan surface, landscaping is also planned.

It is planned that this area, in addition to containing a playground for the youngest, will also be put to use. The area of 240 square meters around the playground will be enriched with various plant species, so that the residents of this part of the municipality will get a new smaller park area after the completed works.



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