Digitalization of the Capital presented as a good practice in the fight against coronavirus at the International Conference of Local Authorities Associations for South-East Europe

Digitalization of the Capital presented  as a good practice in the fight against coronavirus at the International Conference of Local Authorities Associations  for South-East  Europe

The practice of the Capital Podgorica was presented as a good practice in the cities and municipalities of South  East Europe in the field of digitalization at an online conference held yesterday and organized by NALAS (Network of Associations of Local Authorities for South-East Europe).  The Association of Municipalities of Montenegro is also a member of this organization  and the topic of the international conference was "how local Authorities in South East Europe cope with the challenges and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic".

As  COVID-19 pandemic has become a global threat to the entire world, the conference was dedicated to what the Local Authorities of the South  East Europe region have done in terms of protecting the health of citizens and the normal exercise of statutory competencies. In that sense, the best practices from the region were presented, which will serve as a good example to other cities and municipalities in the fight against coronavirus.

The director of the Center for Information System of the Capital city Podgorica, Džemal Lekić, spoke about the specific activities that the Capital has realized in this area. He pointed out that the city administration and employees in the administration of the Capital are aware of their fundamental function - to be at the service to the citizens, so, in accordance with that, they quickly adapted to the new situation and provided citizens with numerous digital services. "Bureau for communication with citizens - System 48 got a new role, a free phone number was determined, as well as an e-mail address where citizens can report all of their requests and questions. Also, digital services have been developed and intensified works on the development of a new ones have been promoted, such as: development of a new portal, as well as the book Guide through administration, which he pointed out as especially important ", Lekić emphasized, adding that the main priorities in the upcoming period will be focused on providing new electronic services so that citizens can exercise all their rights and obligations to the city administration as much as possible electronically, which will be achieved by creating a One Stop Shop, which will be based on the Guide through administration with all necessary procedures and forms.

During the conference, Lekić pointed out that in the coming period, activities to improve the work of the administration (digitalization of communication between officials and services in the city administration) will be intensified, as well as improvement of efficiency of the administration through the linkage with the Government.

Also, this conference was an opportunity to present the measures that the Capital has taken in terms of economic recovery of economic entities in the Capital.


Digitalization of the Capital presented  as a good practice in the fight against coronavirus at the International Conference of Local Authorities Associations  for South-East  Europe
Digitalization of the Capital presented  as a good practice in the fight against coronavirus at the International Conference of Local Authorities Associations  for South-East  Europe


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