The installation of the steel structure on a new pedestrian bridge on Morača

The installation of the steel structure on a new pedestrian bridge on Morača

The works on the pedestrian bridge on Morača, which will connect the old wastewater treatment plant with the new one, within the construction of the Wastewater Treatment System in Podgorica, are proceeding according to the anticipated plan. Currently, works are being carried out on the first of the three parts of the steel structure that the bridge will have, and an auxiliary scaffolding has been installed over which the structure will be mounted. This phase of works will last until mid-October. This is followed by the sheet metal assembly and the construction of the composite structure of the bridge slab, the construction of the bridge fence, the installation of hydraulic and electrical installations on the bridge. All these works should be completed by the end of the current year, after which work will be done on the construction of the remaining infrastructure.

The value of this part of the project for the construction of the Wastewater Treatment System in Podgorica is EUR 1.9 million, and it is planned to be completed by September 2021. Bearing in mind that the contractor is the company Bemax, we believe that all works will be completed before the agreed deadline.

As a reminder, the bridge will be 125 meters long, with a maximum span of 75 meters and 6.4 meters wide. One end leads to Osmog marta Street near "Hemomont", and the other to Vukašina Markovića Street. Apart from the transfer of hydraulic installations from the right to the left bank of the river, the bridge will also serve as a pedestrian zone, will have two bicycle paths and will be adapted for people with disabilities.


The installation of the steel structure on a new pedestrian bridge on Morača
The installation of the steel structure on a new pedestrian bridge on Morača
The installation of the steel structure on a new pedestrian bridge on Morača
The installation of the steel structure on a new pedestrian bridge on Morača
The installation of the steel structure on a new pedestrian bridge on Morača
The installation of the steel structure on a new pedestrian bridge on Morača


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