The Capital continues to improve communal order; Site selection is coming soon along with the a new construction waste disposal plant

The Capital continues to improve communal order; Site selection is coming soon along with the a new construction waste disposal plant

The Secretariat for Communal Affairs of the Capital has initiated the procedure for the construction of a new plant for the disposal of construction waste.

The aim of the site selection study is to select a location that provides conditions so that the technological process of non-hazardous construction waste management does not endanger health and the environment.

The terms of reference proposed six locations located in zones defined by the purpose of "industry and production", which in principle implies the possibility of locating plants for the processing of non-hazardous waste.

One of the starting points for site selection is to define the required area that will be reached on the basis of estimated quantities in the coming period through the analysis of official data obtained from construction companies engaged in the execution of works and other producers of this type of waste.

The subject study of the location will be completed by the end of this year and will be the basis for the preparation of project and other documentation required for the construction of a plant for processing non-hazardous construction waste in accordance with applicable legislation.

With the site selection study, the proposed space for the construction of a future plant for processing non-hazardous construction waste must meet the requirements with the application of modern technological solutions, safety and protection, infrastructure, environmental protection, energy efficiency and landscaping in accordance with the Ordinance on waste classification and waste catalog and other applicable standards.



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