The sixth international book fair begins today in Bemax arena

The sixth international book fair begins today in Bemax arena

The Sixth international book fair will be officially opened today at 6 p.m. in the Bemax arena in Podgorica and by October 3, over fifty publishers from Montenegro and the region will present themselves. This year's edition will be opened by the Secretary for Culture and Sports of the Capital, Ana Medigović. The fair is organized by the Capital Podgorica, the Secretariat for Culture and Sports, with the support of the Ministry of Culture. The working hours of the fair are from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and admission is free.

The program will traditionally start before the opening ceremony, so at 3 p.m. the book "Jožef Bajza i Crna Gora" (Jožef Bajza and Montenegro) by Nenad Stevović, the monograph "Svijet umjetničkih profesija drama i pozorište" (The World of Art Professions, Drama and Theater) by Janko Ljumović will be presented at 4 p.m., and at 5 p.m. promotion of the poetry collection "Napred u zlo" (Forward to Evil) by Tomislav Marković will be held online.

After the opening, from 7 p.m., our prominent publicist Milorad Popović will present himself to the audience at the fair with a new collection of essays "Zbilje i prividi" (Reality and Illusions).

The first day of the literary manifestation will be completed with the presentation of Adnan Prekić's book "Kulturno nasljeđe Crne Gore (od najstarijih vremena do 20. Vijeka)" (Cultural Heritage of Montenegro (from the earliest times to the 20th century), from 8 p.m.

We would like to remind you that due to the current coronavirus pandemic, this year's edition of the fair is organized in significantly different conditions, so compared to the previous year, a smaller number, 51 publishers, will present themselves at the fair, but will be present through online inclusions.

The diverse program of fair activities includes the promotion of Montenegrin, regional and international literature, historiographical and scientific topics with reference to publishing houses, especially smaller ones, with interesting translations such as Arto or Fokalizator.

The program of the fair is also adjusted to this year's conditions, so that the promotions will not be all-day, but exclusively in the afternoon. It is important to note that during the fair, all necessary measures of NCB will be respected, so at the entrance a measurement of body temperature will be done, wearing a protective mask and hand disinfection are mandatory, as well as social distancing.



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