Citizens of Podgorica satisfied with the introduction of electronic ticket system in a city transport

Citizens of Podgorica satisfied with the introduction of electronic ticket system in a city transport

The electronic ticket for public city transport was put into operation at the end of July and has been available to all citizens of Podgorica ever since. As a unique ticket that enables the connection of services, it has aroused great interest among fellow citizens, so that a total of 3,628 monthly tickets (EUR 99,495.00) and 223,760 one-time tickets (EUR 201,489.00) have been sold so far, which is above the expected number.

By introducing an electronic ticket that is practical and economical, we have encouraged citizens to perform daily trips and obligations by using regular transportation and their response is very high.

We remind you that in the previous period, the Capital, in cooperation with the German Development Agency for Economic Cooperation and Development - GIZ, worked on a model of modernization of public transport, which resulted in a pilot project of digitalization of urban traffic and the introduction of electronic tickets. Also, the mobile application Klik Bus is available to the citizens, which makes it even easier for them to follow the bus and inform about the lines.

Please note that several buses can be used with one purchased ticket, regardless of whether they are different carriers, in the time period for which the ticket was issued.  Please note that the ticket can be one-time (100 minutes), daily and monthly and is valid for city and suburban transport in Podgorica.

The price of a one-time ticket is EUR 0.90, daily EUR 3, monthly: EUR 30 for workers, EUR 25 for pupils and students and EUR 20 for pensioners. Please note, the monthly ticket can be purchased on any date of the month and is valid for 30 days from the date of purchase.


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