With the support of the Capital, 88 employees in "ČISTOĆA" solved the housing problem

With the support of the Capital, 88 employees  in "ČISTOĆA" solved the housing problem

The Mayor, Ivan Vuković, PhD, and the director of the city company "Čistoća" (City Cleaning company), Andrija Čađenović, handed over the keys to the apartments employed in this company.

Congratulating the workers of Čistoća on moving into new apartments, Mayor Ivan Vuković, PhD, expressed his satisfaction that in this way the city administration shows full respect and gratitude for the contribution of the workers in the functioning system of the Capital.

For years, Podgorica has been recognized as an extremely clean and tidy city, regardless of some inherited problems and habits that we as a social community cannot really boast about. Thanks to you, Podgorica is an extremely clean city and I thank you for that. Given the fact that we are still unable to adequately pay you for your hard work and tremendous effort, this is a way to repay you as much as possible. 88 families of our colleagues will move into this building. In May, we shared the keys of the new apartments with our colleagues from Vodovod (waterworks) – 82 of them, and in the foreseeable future we will have the opportunity to do the same with our colleagues from other companies. Slowly but surely, we are solving an important problem and an important existential issue for the employees in the system of the Capital, and we are proud of that", the Mayor pointed out.

In the end, Vukovic once again expressed deep respect for the contribution of the workers of the company Čistoća.

"It was also shown in this time of coronavirus, regardless of the situation, you were always up to the task. I hope that moving into new apartments will serve as an additional motive for you to work even better in the next period, to the pride of the Capital", Vuković concluded.

The director of the company "Čistoća", Andrija Čadjenović, expressed his satisfaction that this resolved the housing problem  for 88 employees in that company, as well as his gratitude to the Capital for the ceded land and support.

"We also owe gratitude to the contractor, the company Roaming Montenegro, which proved the quality and efficiency of work, and at the very beginning by giving a good offer, enabled employees to buy quality apartments at extremely affordable prices," said Čađenović.

The price per square meter of an apartment for an employee in Čistoća was EUR 587, which is significantly lower than the current market prices. The price of the complete investment, which included the development of the main project, the development of a housing project, amounted to EUR 2,632,695 including VAT.

"The construction of this residential building once again confirmed the commitment of the current and previous management of Čistoća, as well as the union commission, which together with the Capital showed a special relationship and care by creating opportunities to improve housing conditions. A special contribution was given by the members of the Commission for Solving the Housing Needs of Employees, representatives of the supervisory body and other participants who contributed with their dedicated work to make us all satisfied today", Čađenović  said and thanked for respecting NCB measures.

On behalf of the recipients of the apartments, Dimitrije  Sekulović addressed and thanked the company Čistoća and the Capital for their help in resolving one of the most important issues for workers, and that is the housing issue. He wished all the workers of Čistoća good luck and to live to a ripe old age in their new homes.


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