The Capital invites socially responsible companies to be part of the “senior card” project

The Capital invites socially responsible companies to be part of the “senior card” project

 Podgorica, the Capital, invites all socially responsible companies to be partners of the city administration in the implementation of the "Senior card" project. The invitation refers to all socially responsible companies, which operate on the territory of the Capital, to enable cardholders to obtain discounts from the range of services and goods they offer on the market. The amount of the discount is determined by the participants independently in accordance with the business policy.

We remind you that the Senior Card is a new social service that aims to improve the quality of life of our oldest fellow citizens. Senior card is assigned to all fellow citizens over the age of 65 with the help of which they can get discounts in a large number of stores, restaurants, cultural institutions, health care institutions, service agencies.  For the realization of this project, the Capital has now set aside EUR 50,000 for printing the card and creating applicative solutions regarding software.

Personalized cards for retirees are linked to a person, i.e. a unique electronic account. It is necessary for the pensioner to register once, after which he can use the card to get a discount, as well as the services provided by the Capital.

Apply via the online form:

The Capital invites socially responsible companies to be part of the “senior card” project


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